1. LINDA as MOTHER TERESA: Walking around the show inside and out, giving blessings and Holy Water to everyone she meets. Assistant is there carrying a briefcase or walkie-talkie , looking official.
2.For seven hours I lay down on the floor and sound each chakra, one chakra for every hour. After each hour, the assistant helps me get up from floor and I bless anyone there for the Chakra that I am making sounds about. Need sound system, reverb, a projected video of newscast for 7 hours. Chair for assistant and table for her also.
3.I lay in a circle of flowers on a bed or chair or lounge. Time is indicated by Curator. Three or seven hours. People sitting around me in circle. Assistant brings people into the circle to receive blessing. Video projection of breastfeeding Mother and Infant.
4.I lie in state in a circle of flowers. Faure's Requiem plays for 7 or 3 hours. People are given flower petals and they place them on my body. Assistant helps them come into the circle.
5.. I am sitting in a 14 foot lift. I wave to people either as they enter, outside the museum, or inside the museum. A circle of flowers around the lift. Time determined by the curator. People brought close to the lift and I drop flower petals on them.
6. I draw people's portraits with my non-dominant hand. Assistant brings them inside the circle to a chair. Need 2 chairs and a table and flowers for circle.
7.Mother Teresa and Assistant outside the Museum giving people "something to eat" as they enter the Museum. What? Blessed fortune cookies?
8.Linda as Mother in lift or not, singing Linda Ronstadt songs for --------------- hours. Need sound system for projecting Linda Ronstadt CD and sound for me with reverb. This can be done in the lift as well. Assistant brings audience to a separate mic so they can sing along with Linda Ronstadt as well. (Her first album). So need that mic as well.
9. Mother Teresa sits on a chair. Assistant brings people one by ne to come and hold her hand. Projected CHICKEN VIDEO for duration. They get a Holy Water Blessing at the end.
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